Friday, January 26, 2007

Taking a quiet refreshing break from the business of your day can be a gift of peace for the world!

To choose peace does not mean to forget about justice. Justice is really about a balance of power. You see, the really big issues can be resolved if people are committed to real and lasting peace. It’s the struggle for power and control that is the real reason people get into fights about things. When there is conflict, one has to examine where the imbalance really lies, because without an imbalance, there is no real conflict.

1 comment:

storyteller said...

I wrote about this idea at Sacred Ruminations back on November 10th in 2007. Daniel Levin's Zen Card on Balance reminds us ...
"The center is not always the point of balance. When you find that place where balance is achieved, peace will result in all situations. There is no conflict, for everything rests without strain."

You raise an excellent point about the struggle for power and control as the real reason conflict occurs. Once we realize that the only control we have is over our own choices, options for conflict resolution do emerge for we listen to others differently.
Hugs and blessings,